I began my journey in the real estate business in 1996.. with a small independent real estate firm where I gained valuable experience and learned the importance of putting my clients first! I opened the doors of Linda Stevenson Realty in 2008, a boutique style real estate company rendering concierge style service to all my clients…realizing that each client is unique, and services rendered should fit their individual needs. My favorite group to serve are First Time Home Buyers….I love educating them in the home buying process and making longtime friends! I was raised and educated Nashville and along with my Husband, Edward has 4 adult sons, 10 grandchildren. We have a Family-owned Business, Kijiji Coffee Inc. which is headed my husband Edward and our other sons. Reading, traveling, spending time with family and friends, doing community based educational work are activities that I enjoy! I earned my Brokers license in 2007,and went on to earn the ABR, AHWD and RESP designations.